What does it come to your mind when you think about Mediterranean food?

?izza and pasta from Italy, or hummus and pita from Greece?

Bad news  these dishes don’t exactly fit into any healthy dietary plans advertised as “Mediterranean.”

The real Mediterranean diet consists of fruits and vegetables, seafood, olive oil, hearty grains, and more—foods that help fight against heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes, and cognitive decline.

It’s a diet worth chasing; making the switch from pepperoni and cheese to fish and avocados may take some effort, but you could soon be on a path to a healthier and longer life.

It has been proved that The Mediterranean Diet  can  reduce the risks of developing heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure (hypertension), type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

Studies has shown that the diet has also been linked with a reduced risk of early death and has proved a successful strategy for healthy weight reduction.

You don't need  to be a professional chef to follow this diet and produce delicious meals fitting the Mediterranean Diet.



We have selected some interesting pages that will solve any possible doubts about this healthy diet.

12 Reasons to Love Mediterranean diet

Health Benefits of the Mediterranean diet


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